Are you worried about the quality of your Well Water?

Do you know what bad well water can do? Well water can affect many things both to your health and home. Want to know what bad well water can do and how fixing it can save you lots of MONEY?

CLICK to find out!!! ⇩

Join fellow DIY'ers that have fixed their water

My Long Rusty

Journey With Bad

Well Water

My Topsy Turvy Journey With Bad Well Water

About 10 years ago, I bought land in rural north Florida.

I lived in a camper while building my dream cabin. Within a month, my toilet, sink, shower, and clothes were stained, and my skin and hair were dry as a bone!

I had bad well water!

I had a rep from a BIG water company give me a quote to fix my water. WHAT? Almost $5,000 for the system!!

When I was confirming that the well water filter would fix the rust and white stains on my toilet. He said, "No, ma'am", so he left without a sale.

My husband is the master of "make it better - fix it - repair it" and I'm a chemist by trade so we got busy.

We created a well water filter that will improve your water for up to TEN THOUSAND dollars less than companies are quoting today!! (and they were not going to fix the problems!)

Our DIY Home Water Filter works the same as a commercial system! I created a (patent pending) course on how to build, use, and maintain it!

Building my DIY Home Water Filter will save you up to $10,000 plus, it's simple and inexpensive to maintain!

So, why a

DIY Home Water Filter?

It is more important than you think to ensure the water you drink, take a shower, and wash your clothes with is clean and healthy.

Bad well water can harm your health and home.

Using my course to build a DIY Home Water Filter will be like a dream come true.........for your health, toilet, pipes, water heater, skin, clothes, AND you will save up to $10,000!!!

  • No reliance or monthly charges from commercial companies
  • Customize filter media to fix the contaminants in your water
  • Step by step videos and materials list
  • Bragging rights that you built it and saved THOUSANDS!
  • Reduce plastic waste from bottled water & disposable filters
  • Occassionally, municipal water has contaminants
glass of water

My DIY Home Water Filter course to

Improve Your Water

It's the difference between having water that ruins your hair, toilet, clothes, pipes, water heater, and MUCH more!

Without A Well Water Filter

  • Wrecked Toilets
  • Clogged Pipes
  • Slow Hot Water
  • Rust Stained Clothes

With A Well Water Filter

  • Stain Free Toilets
  • Clear Pipes
  • Quick Hot Water
  • Stain Free Clothes

A Unique Approach To Fixing Your Water

We are the only whole-house well water filter building course that will show you step-by-step how to fix ur water!

Did I mention that you will save up to $10,000 over the price of a commercial filtration system?

My DIY Home Water Filter info and course

Building a well water filter using the info and course

will save up to $10,000!

How-To Info

Learn how to use all the tools needed to build the well water filter

Materials List

Detailed materials list plus, where to get them at the best price!

Filter Location

Recommendations on where to locate it and how to mount it

Build It

Heck, if I can do it you can too! Videos and graphics will guide you

Use It

Say goodbye to clogged shower heads stained toilets, dry skin and hair, bad pipes & stained clothes!

Maintain It

Detailed instructions on short term and long-term maintenance

So, are you ready

to take action?

Become a Founder of...

DIY Home Water Filter Course!

  • Save up to $10,000 with DIY!
  • NO SALT to buy, lug, and pour
  • Clean and clear pipes
  • Toilets, sinks, and tubs not stained
  • Hot water heater will have long life
  • Water heater heats up quickly
  • No health effects due to salt in filter
  • No health effects from rust and iron
  • Prevents rust spots and stains on laundry
  • No scale on dishes
  • Healthier hair
  • Protects pets & livestock from contaminants
  • Very little maintenance

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